Alternate Title(s): De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
Publication Location: Nuremberg
Year: 1543
Item Location
Exhibit: Music of the Spheres
Section: Landmarks in Astronomy
Copernicus argued that the Sun rather than the Earth lies in the center of the universe. The Earth moves as a planet around the Sun. In 1543 little proof was available that the Earth moves; there were many reasons not to accept it. Ptolemaic astronomy, as represented in the Epitome of Regiomontanus, was neither overly complex nor inaccurate. The most important advantage offered by Copernicus was a vision of the universe as a coherent and integrated system, where all the planets move together in elegant harmony.
Related Items
Theme(s): Astronomy, Mathematics
Geographical Region(s): Europe, Germany
Resource Type: Book
Chronological Period: 16th century
Resource Type: Book