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Reprise | September 2016 - May 2018

Galileo's World reprise offers visitors another chance to experience the award-winning exhibition. Materials on display at partner locations will return to OU Libraries and be available in a rotating display located in the south section of the 5th floor exhibit hall. This rotating display will change every two months over the course of two years according to the schedule below. Additional exhibits on both the main and 5th floors of Bizzell Memorial Library are available to visitors.


The 5th floor exhibit hall is available during the open hours of the History of Science Collections.

Rotating Display Schedule

Main Floor Exhibits

This exhibit is located in the lobby of the west entrance of Bizzell Memorial Library.

Galileo Today examines how the concepts pioneered by Galileo and his contemporaries have shaped our understanding of research and exploration.

5th Floor Exhibits

These exhibits are located on the 5th floor special collections of Bizzell Memorial Library.