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Alternate Title(s): Conicorum
Author: Apollonius
Publication Location: Oxford
Year: 1710

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Apollonius (3rd century B.C.E.) examined the properties of conic sections; namely, the: • circle (cuts a cone horizontally, perpendicularly to the axis of the cone) • ellipse (cuts a cone to make a closed curve) • parabola (cuts a cone parallel to a side of the cone) • hyperbola (cuts a cone in any other way, so that the cut is neither parallel nor closed) Later, Galileo would use Apollonius’ Conics in his study of projectile motion (parabolas), and Kepler would draw upon it in his determinations of planetary orbits (ellipses). This edition was edited by Edmond Halley. Its frontispiece was adapted for reuse in an edition of Archimedes published in Oxford in 1792.

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Theme(s): Mathematics, Engineering, Physics
Chronological Period: Ancient
Geographical Region(s): England, Greece, Europe
Resource Type: Book