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Alternate Title(s): Kritischer Kommentar über die Östreichsche Provinzialpharmakopee
Author: Huszty von Raszynya
Publication Location: Bratislava
Year: 1785

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Rebellion against the limitations of 18th century HMOs: The frontispiece to this work protests the limited medicines available from the official apothecary. The Pharmacopoeia Austriaco-provincialis (Vienna, 1774) mandated the medicines and remedies to be made available. In the late 18th century, health care reached broadly across every sector of society, including university trained physicians; non-university surgeons, practitioners and midwives; apothecaries and those involved in medical commerce, trade and horticulture; explorers and naturalists; and government managers and regulators. This book illustrates the tensions between various health care providers in the late 18th century.

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Theme(s): Health Sciences, Business and Economics, Law and Political Science
Chronological Period: 18th century
Geographical Region(s): Europe
Resource Type: Book