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Alternate Title(s): Discorsi à Due Nuove Scienze, in Opera
Notes: 2 vols.
Author: Galileo
Publication Location: Bologna
Year: 1656

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In this masterwork of physics, Galileo studied the two sciences of tensile strength and motion. The science of tensile strength considers how larger objects must bear more and more weight to perform the same action. Coach Galileo might say that a smaller player may be more agile; eventually, a large enough player will collapse under his own weight. The science of motion considers the law of falling bodies and the parabolic motion of projectiles. Coach Galileo might offer tips for tackling, catching or throwing, involving any type of ball, body or projectile.

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Theme(s): Physics, Mathematics, Engineering
Chronological Period: 17th century
Geographical Region(s): Italy
Resource Type: Book