Alternate Title(s): In somnium Scipionis
Publication Location: Cologne
Year: 1521
Item Location
Exhibit: Music of the Spheres
Section: Celestial Spheres
This work by Macrobius (5th century) illustrates the wealth of ancient and early medieval literary sources relevant to cosmology. Macrobius here comments upon a classic story of Cicero which described a vision given to the Roman general Scipio. In a dream, Scipio ascended through the heavens until the Earth receded into a pale dot in the distance: “From here the Earth appeared so small that I was ashamed of our empire which is, so to speak, but a point on its surface.”
Related Items
Theme(s): Astronomy, Literature
Geographical Region(s): Europe, Africa, Asia, Germany, Italy
Resource Type: Book
Chronological Period: Late Ancient
Resource Type: Book