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Alternate Title(s): Kitab tahrir usul l-Uqlidus
Author: Nasir ad-Din Al-Tusi
Publication Location: Rome
Year: 1594

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This Arabic text of Euclid came from the circle of the Persian astronomer al-Tusi (13th century). Al-Tusi worked in Baghdad and in the observatory of Maragha, in modern northwestern Iran. Printing Arabic with moveable type was a technological challenge. This book was not printed in Baghdad or Cairo. Because of widespread European interest in works of Islamic science even as late as the generation of Kepler and Galileo, the Medici established a press to print Arabic works in Rome. This work is one of the first Arabic-language books printed in Europe.

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Theme(s): Mathematics, History of the Book, Islamic Science, International Studies, Physics, Engineering
Chronological Period: Medieval
Geographical Region(s): Middle East, Italy, Europe, Asia
Resource Type: Book