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Alternate Title(s): "Notes" to "A Sketch of the Analytical Engine invented by Charles babbage, by L.F Menabrea"
Published in: Scientific Memoirs
Notes: vol. 3, pp. 666-731
Author: Ada Lovelace
Publication Location: London
Year: 1843

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These notes comprise one of the most important papers in the history of computing. Lovelace explained how Babbage’s “analytical engine,” if constructed, would amount to a programmable computer rather than merely a calculator. It would take input from punch cards and produce novel results by executing diverse step-by-step mechanical operations. These 19th century mechanical operations are functionally equivalent to the conditional branching, looping, and parallel processing operations of early electronic computers.

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Theme(s): Scientific Instruments, Mathematics, Engineering
Chronological Period: 19th century
Geographical Region(s): Europe, England
Resource Type: Book