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Alternate Title(s): Scandaglio sopra la Libra Astronomica
Author: Giovanni Battista Stelluti
Publication Location: Terni
Year: 1622

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In the Scandaglio, Galileo’s friends tried to refute Grassi’s Astronomical Balance. This obscure and mysterious work appeared under the name of the brother of the better-known Francesco Stelluti, one of the founders of the Academy of the Lynx and friend of Galileo and Prince Cesi. It was published in a small town near Cesi’s estate in Acquasparta. At this time, Cesi was helping Galileo prepare The Assayer, his definitive response to Grassi, which contains large sections of material copied directly from the Scandaglio.

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Theme(s): Astronomy, History of the Book
Chronological Period: 17th century
Geographical Region(s): Italy, Europe
Resource Type: Book