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Alternate Title(s): De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
Notes: 2nd
Author: Nicolaus Copernicus
Publication Location: Basel
Year: 1566

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Copernicus argued that the Sun rather than the Earth lies in the center of the universe. The Earth moves as a planet around the Sun, carrying its Moon along as a satellite. In 1543 little proof was available that the Earth moves; there were many reasons not to accept it. Ptolemaic astronomy was neither overly complex nor inaccurate. The most important advantage offered by Copernicus was a vision of the universe as a coherent and integrated system, where all the planets move together in elegant harmony. This copy is the 2d ed.; the 1st ed., published in 1543, is on display in Bizzell Memorial Library.

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Theme(s): Astronomy, Mathematics
Chronological Period: 16th century
Geographical Region(s): Switzerland, Europe
Resource Type: Book