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Alternate Title(s): De Sphaera
Notes: Bound with Theoricae novae planetarum by Georg Peurbach
Author: Joannes de Sacro Bosco
Additional author(s): Georg Peurbach
Publication Location: Venice
Year: 1490

Item Location

Exhibit: The New Physics
Section: The Universe

In University study from the 13th through 16th centuries, the most common introduction to the geocentric cosmos was the medieval work, On the Sphere, by Sacrobosco. In one illustration, the Sun revolves around the Earth following an off-center or “eccentric” path within its solid celestial sphere. This printed edition also includes the New Theory of the Planets by Peurbach, which became the standard introduction to Ptolemaic planetary astronomy in the 15th century.

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Theme(s): Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, Education
Chronological Period: Medieval
Geographical Region(s): Italy
Resource Type: Book