Alternate Title(s): Tractatus de sphaera
Notes: ms.
Publication Location: Rome
Year: 1623
Item Location
Exhibit: Controversy over the Comets
Section: Controversy
In the same year that Galileo published The Assayer, Grassi delivered these lectures to Jesuit students in the Rome College (Collegio Romano). Grassi describes Galileo’s discovery of mountains on the Moon, discusses the satellites of Jupiter, and interprets sunspots as imperfections on the surface of the Sun. This manuscript, never published and new to scholars, was acquired in 2012 through the generous support of the OU Athletic Department.
Related Items
Theme(s): History of the Book, Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics
Geographical Region(s): Italy, Europe
Resource Type: Manuscript
Chronological Period: 17th century
Resource Type: Manuscript