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Notes: 2 vols.
Author: Hans Sloane
Publication Location: London
Year: 1707-1725

After studying with the chemist Robert Boyle and the naturalist John Ray, Sloane embarked on a voyage to Jamaica. In these two volumes, Sloane described about 800 species of plants he collected. Sloane included 48 extracts from Hernandez. He strove to improve many plant illustrations, such as the yucca, compared to the Lynx edition. His preface advertised additional “figures of the things described, which have not been heretofore engraved; in large copper-plates as big as the life.” Sloane succeeded Newton as President of the Royal Society of London. He served as Royal Physician to Queen Anne, George I and George II. As a physician, he recommended cocoa, prepared with milk. The Cadbury Brothers later sold a drink they called “Sloane’s drinking chocolate.” Sloane bequeathed an extensive collection of more than 40,000 books, 70,000 curiosities, and countless herbarium specimens to Parliament. The British Museum opened in 1759, founded upon Sloane’s collection and exemplifying his vision of a public natural history museum. Over time, portions of Sloane’s collection have found their way to the British Natural History Museum and the British Library.

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Theme(s): Biology, Health Sciences, Education
Chronological Period: 17th century
Geographical Region(s): England, Europe
Resource Type: Book