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Alternate Title(s): Opera
Author: Hesiod
Publication Location: Frankfurt
Year: 1559

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In Works and Days, the poet Hesiod, a roughly contemporary of Homer, compiled guidelines for conducting life and forecasting the weather according to the stars. When Orion rises at sunset in autumn, sailors knew that the time had come to bring their ships to port: “…then the winds war aloud, And veil the ocean with a sable cloud: Then round the bank, already haul’d on shore, Lay stones, to fix her when the tempests roar…” Since Orion’s belt of three bright stars lies upon the celestial equator, Orion is visible from every inhabited part of the globe.

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Theme(s): Meteorology, Astronomy, Literature
Chronological Period: Ancient
Geographical Region(s): Greece, Germany, Europe
Resource Type: Book