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Alternate Title(s): Legatio Batavica ad magnum Tartariae Chamum Sungteium, modernum Sinae imperatorem
Author: Johann Nieuhof
Publication Location: Amsterdam
Year: 1668

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This travel narrative and encyclopedia presented the most up-to-date information about China based on Jesuit sources and the knowledge of commercial traders. Its nearly 150 illustrations include double-page plates of Chinese landscapes and harbors, fold-out maps of China and of Beijing, and depictions of Chinese natural history, topography and architecture. Nieuhof was sent to China by the Dutch East India Company. He recounts the journey of Dutch traders from Canton to Beijing and back again in 1656. When they arrived in Beijing, Adam Schall served as their translator. The emperor declined to grant them the trade authority they requested, but gave them permission to return in 8 years.

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Theme(s): Geography, Business and Economics, International Studies, Biology
Chronological Period: 17th century
Geographical Region(s): China, Asia, Netherlands, Europe
Resource Type: Book