Alternate Title(s): Astronomiae instauratae mechanica
Publication Location: Nuremberg
Year: 1602
Item Location
Exhibit: Controversy over the Comets
Section: Systems of the Universe
For two decades, Tycho and his assistants at Uraniborg produced thousands of astronomical observations of unprecedented quality. Tycho’s large-scale observing instruments, together with sophisticated new error correction techniques, increased observational precision by a factor of twenty. His star positions were accurate to within 1 minute, or 1/60th of a degree. The absence of stellar parallax, predicted by Copernicus, became even more puzzling given the increased precision achieved in Tycho’s monumental observing program.
Related Items
Theme(s): Astronomy, Scientific Instruments, Mathematics
Geographical Region(s): Europe, Denmark
Resource Type: Book
Chronological Period: 16th century
Resource Type: Book