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Music of the Spheres

Dance of the Heavens


Galileo’s father, Vincenzo Galilei, is credited as one of the founders of the Italian opera and a major contributor to music theory. Johann Kepler formulated the harmonic law of planetary motions. The study of astronomy and music were deeply related in Galileo’s world.

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1 Dialogue on Ancient and Modern Music  Galilei, Vincenzo (1581)

From childhood, Galileo’s world was shaped by music. His father, Vincenzo Galilei, was a prominent music theorist who contributed to the development of Italian opera. This book, Vincenzo’s major work, was acquired in Fall 2014 with assistance from the Athletics Department.

2 Harmony of the Universe  Kepler, Johann (1619)

In this work, Kepler integrated theoretical astronomy and music, showing that the motions of the planets employ the same numerical ratios as the most harmonious musical scales.