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Learn more about how collaborators participated with the exhibition by holding their own activities.
College of Arts & Sciences

Available this fall, HSCI 3833 will explore the Scientific Revolution through an in-depth examination of the contributions of Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, William Harvey and Francisco...

College of Engineering

Scheduled for this fall, ENGR 5970/AME 5740 will explore the art of design. Students projects will be themed “Toys inspired by Renaissance Engineers and Designers.” This course will encourage the...

Museo Galileo, Florence

Through a new collaboration with the Museo Galileo in Florence, Italy, the Museo Galileo is loaning a series of instrument replicas and video tutorials to be on display throughout the exhibition...

OU Athletics Department

In addition to the Galileo and Sports exhibit at Headington Hall, three of the major works on display in Galileo's World were acquired through funding by the OU Athletics...

OU College of Atmospheric & Geographic Sciences

Faculty, staff, and students from the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, including the School of Meteorology, and the Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, are...

OU in Arezzo

Students studying abroad and the Arezzo community in Italy can experience Galileo's World through a satellite exhibit of the holdings of the Arezzo Public Library.

Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts

Professor Eugene Enrico and the College of Fine Arts is hosting a concert series on the birth of the Italian opera and the contributions of Galileo's father, Vincenzo Galilei, to musical theory....