Alternate Title(s): Ratio ponderum librae et simbellae
Publication Location: Naples
Year: 1627
Item Location
Exhibit: Controversy over the Comets
Section: Controversy
The Jesuit astronomers who had celebrated Galileo’s telescopic discoveries during his visit to Rome in 1611 now felt estranged by the biting satire of the The Assayer. The controversy concluded with this final reply. Both comets and cosmic systems remained enigmas. If mathematical methods and the evidence available at the time could not disprove the Tychonic system, then Galileo faced the daunting prospect that scientific knowledge might be provisional, with certainty an elusive goal, even in mathematics.
Related Items
Theme(s): Astronomy, Philosophy
Geographical Region(s): Italy, Europe
Resource Type: Book
Chronological Period: 17th century
Resource Type: Book