Alternate Title(s): Démonstration Physique du Mouvement de la Rotation de la Terre
Notes: Comptes Rendus, pp. 135ff
Publication Location: Paris
Year: 1851
Item Location
Exhibit: The New Physics
Section: The Universe
The Foucault pendulum swings in a constant plane or direction, and thus reveals the rotation of the Earth turning underneath. The Foucault pendulum finally answered an often-voiced criticism of Copernicus (posed, for example, by Tycho and Riccioli), that a cannon ball fired northward should result in a deflected trajectory due to the Earth’s rotation. The Foucault pendulum was not conceived until 1851, three centuries after Copernicus.
Related Items
Theme(s): Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, Scientific Instruments, Philosophy
Geographical Region(s): France, Europe
Resource Type: Book
Chronological Period: 19th century
Resource Type: Book