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Author: Thomas Burnet
Publication Location: London
Year: 1684

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Thomas Burnet, a royal chaplain, classical scholar, and Cambridge Platonist, published Telluris theoria sacra in 1681. The famous frontispiece first appeared in this English edition. A circle of seven globes represents the Earth completing its journey through time. Three habitable worlds include the paradise that was lost; the present world of wreck and ruin; and the millennium or paradise regained. Four ‘Revolutions of our natural world,’ accomplished through natural causes, appear as transitions between them: the original chaos, Noah’s universal deluge, a future conflagration, and a final consummation when the Earth will be transformed into a fixed star. With a scope as wide as Milton, Burnet set out to tell the epic story of the world updated with the science of Descartes. In doing so, he created a tradition known as “Theories of the Earth.”

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Theme(s): Religious Studies, Geography, Geology, History
Chronological Period: 17th century
Geographical Region(s): England, Europe
Resource Type: Book