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Alternate Title(s): Sphaera triplex
Author: Gabriele Beati
Publication Location: Rome
Year: 1662

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Which of Kircher’s six world systems are compatible with Beati’s cosmic section? Despite Galileo’s rhetorical attempt to cast cosmological debate as a choice between two chief world systems, Beati’s cosmic section is neither Ptolemaic nor Copernican. The solid spheres of Ptolemy and Copernicus have dissolved. Unlike the Ptolemaic system, Mercury and Venus revolve around the Sun. Unlike the Copernican, the Earth rather than the Sun lies at the center of the world. In later copies, Beati replaced this rough woodblock print with a more precise engraving that accommodated all four of Kircher’s systems of the world that were consistent with the phases of Venus.

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Theme(s): Astronomy, Philosophy, History of the Book
Chronological Period: 17th century
Geographical Region(s): Italy, Europe
Resource Type: Book