Alternate Title(s): Institutionum geometricarum
Publication Location: Paris
Year: 1535
Item Location
Exhibit: An Artful Observation of the Cosmos
Section: Galileo and Perspective
This landmark work by Albrecht Dürer presents several variations on the technique of “Alberti’s window.” Here the artist is creating a drawing of a lute with true perspective by means of a string drawn from the object, through the canvas window, to the vanishing point on the wall. Dürer’s work represents the widening of the tradition of perspective drawing. Insights and techniques that began with Alberti and Pacioli spread to, a generation after Dürer, artists and scientists like Galileo with his “perspective tube.”
Related Items
Theme(s): Art, Mathematics, Music
Geographical Region(s): Italy, France, Europe
Resource Type: Book
Chronological Period: 16th century
Resource Type: Book