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Alternate Title(s): Trattato della Pittura
Notes: 1st ed.
Author: Leonardo da Vinci
Publication Location: Paris
Year: 1651

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Despite a lack of publications, Leonardo’s fame grew as word of his notebooks spread. The first book by Leonardo to be printed was his Treatise on Painting, published a century after his death. This work conveys Leonardo’s views on mathematical proportion and the human body, and the physiology of vision. Given Leonardo’s understanding of art as an intellectual endeavor carried out in imitation of nature, it is impossible to separate his art theory from his understanding of science. This volume also contains Alberti’s treatise on perspective. The 1716 French edition is on display at the Schusterman Library on the OU campus in Tulsa.

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Theme(s): Art, Mathematics, Health Sciences
Chronological Period: 16th century
Geographical Region(s): Italy, France, Europe
Resource Type: Book