Alternate Title(s): De motu proprio stellarum fixarum
Notes: reprinted in Abhandlungen von Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (Leipzig, 1875)
Item Location
Exhibit: The New Physics
Section: The Universe
Scientific theories may be accepted on the basis of a weighing of many complex factors rather than a single determinative observation or crucial experiment. From antiquity, Copernicanism had been rejected due to a failure to observe stellar parallax. Eventually Copernicanism became accepted on other grounds, despite the absence of stellar parallax. Stellar parallax was not confirmed until 1827, when Wilhelm Bessel found a shift in the position of double star 61 Cygni.
Related Items
Theme(s): Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, Scientific Instruments, Philosophy
Geographical Region(s): Germany, Europe
Resource Type: Book
Chronological Period: 19th century
Resource Type: Book