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Author: Catherine Whitwell
Publication Location: London
Year: 1818

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This dialogue between a mother and her daughter offers a delightful introduction to the night sky. It contains 23 engraved plates drawn by Whitwell herself, including four hand-colored folding plates. One of the plates depicts the constellations of Corvus the Crow, Crater the Cup and Hydra the Water Snake. Another plate conveys a dramatic impression of the Full Moon at night, shown against a striking black background. Whitwell, who also wrote on economics and education, taught at Robert Owen’s school at New Lanarck, Scotland, in the 1820?s. Owen later came to America and founded a utopian socialist colony in Indiana called New Harmony.

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Theme(s): Astronomy, Women and Science, Education, Art, Law and Political Science, History
Chronological Period: 19th century
Geographical Region(s): England, Europe
Resource Type: Book