Exhibit items on the subject of astronomy.
Exhibit Items
Elements of Geometry, 1570 Euclid, (1570) Euclid was the starting point for any further study of optics and perspective. Optics combined geometry, experiment, vision and art. In the presentation of the geometrical solids, this copy retains the original pop-ups. |
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Atlas of the Starry Heavens Littrow, Joseph J. von (1839) Von Littrow, Director of the Vienna Observatory, adopted Bode’s constellation figures and star positions. In von Littrow’s atlas, the constellation figures appear faintly in the background. |
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The Firmament of King Sobiesci, or Map of the Heavens Hevelius, Johann (1690) The Uranographia of Hevelius, the most detailed and influential celestial atlas of the 17th century, contains 54 beautiful double-page engraved plates of 73 constellations, and 2 oversized folding plates of planispheres. |
The Divine Proportion Pacioli, Luca (1509) Consider this geometrical drawing, portrayed with true perspective and a mastery of light and shadow. It comes from a treatise on art and mathematics by Luca Pacioli, yet it was not drawn by Pacioli. |
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Celestial Atlas, 1729 Flamsteed, John (1729) A globe maker for the French royal family, J. Fortin, prepared this edition of Flamsteed’s celestial atlas in a much reduced format. Flamsteed was the first Astronomer Royal, who oversaw the building of the Greenwich Observatory. Newton relied upon Flamsteed’s star positions in his Principia. |
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Urania's Mirror with A Familiar Treatise on Astronomy Aspin, Jehoshaphat (1825) Constellation figures remained popular in education, as in these constellation cards which make learning the constellations easy. The set includes 32 cards, each focused upon one or a few constellations. |
Map of the Moon Hevelius, Johann (1647) Accurate depiction of the topography of the Moon was accomplished by mid-century in this lunar atlas by Hevelius. It set a new standard for precision that remained unmatched for a century. |
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The Practice of Perspective Sirigatti, Lorenzo (1596) This beautiful work by Sirigatti, published in 1596, brings the tradition of perspective drawing up to Galileo’s time. Sirigatti was a member of the Academy of Drawing (Accademia del Disegno), a school for artists and engineers where Galileo studied as a young man. |
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Celestial Globe Gores Coronelli, Vincenzo (1693; reprint ca. 1800) Coronelli, a Franciscan theologian and astronomer who worked in both Italy and France, was a founder of modern geography and an influential maker of celestial and terrestrial globes. |
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Preliminary Discourse for Astronomy Hevelius, Johann (1690) In the Prodromus, Hevelius explained the instruments and methods used to produce the star catalog. Hevelius’ Gdansk observatory, “Stellaburg,” was the best in Europe until the later national observatories of France and Britain. |
New Celestial and Terrestrial Observations Fontana, Francesco (1646) Inspired by Galileo, Fontana constructed his own telescope, improving the optics. Around 1629 he began a series of detailed sketches of the face of the Moon. A series of 28 copperplate engravings reveal the Moon’s surface as perceived on different dates, as well as a fold-out lunar map. |
Treasury of Optics al-Haytham, Ibn (1572) The frontispiece depicts a variety of optical phenomena: Reflection. Refraction. Perspective. The rainbow. Burning mirrors. |
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Essays of the Members of the Academy of Gelati (1671) This is the scarce first edition of writings by a leading learned society in Bologna, the Accademia dei Gelati. The volume includes striking woodcuts by the astronomer Geminiano Montanari of white stars against a black background. |
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New Philosophy, about our World beneath the Moon Gilbert, William (1651) Gilbert, physician to Queen Elisabeth I, attempted to map the world of the Moon with the unaided eye, even before the telescope of Galileo. In antiquity, Plutarch had surmised the existence of land and ocean regions in the dark and light patches of the lunar surface. |
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Introduction to Astronomy, 1489 Abu Ma'shar, (1489) Abu Ma’shar, an astronomer in 9th century Baghdad, was one of the most prolific writers on astrology during the Middle Ages. This work was cited by Albert the Great, Roger Bacon, Pierre d’Ailly, and Pico della Mirandola, among others. |
The Great Art of Light and Shadow Kircher, Athanasius (1646) A “camera obscura” (“dark room”) consists of a box or container in which light enters via a small hole and projects an image on an opposite wall. The image will be reversed and upside-down, but its proportions will be preserved. |
The Moon Nasmyth, James (1876) Nasmyth, a Scottish engineer known for his invention of the steam hammer, combined an avid interest in astronomy and photography. Carpenter was an astronomer at the Greenwich Observatory. Together they constructed plaster models of the lunar surface. |
Map of the Heavens Bode, Johann (1801) This beautiful atlas fused artistic beauty and scientific precision. |
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The Optics of the Eye Chérubin d’ Orléans, (1671) In this illustration, Chérubin d’Orléans adopted the lunar map of Hevelius. The putti are observing the Moon with telescopes equipped with the “pantograph,” a perspectival tool devised by d’Orléans. |
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Starry Messenger Galileo, (1610) Featuring Galileo's Handwriting. When Galileo heard news of telescopes invented in the Netherlands he worked out the underlying geometry and crafted one of his own design. In this work, Galileo published the first observations of the heavens made with the telescope. |
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Measuring the Heavens Bayer, Johann (1661) In contrast to Piccolomini, who omitted constellation figures in favor of scientific accuracy, Bayer superimposed constellation figures upon the star maps without compromising positional accuracy. These figures were artfully drawn by Alexander Mair. |
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The Works of Giorgio Vasari, vol. 1 Vasari , Giorgio (1878-85) Astronomers and artists alike studied the science of perspective. The title page of the Sidereus nuncius refers to the telescope as a little “perspective tube” (perspicilli). |
On the Fixed Stars Piccolomini, Alessandro (1540) In contrast to the constellation figures in Hyginus and Abu Ma’shar, Piccolomini created a star atlas, measuring the positions of the stars according to an indicated scale (specific to each plate). He designated stars by Roman letters (a, b, c, etc.) in order of apparent brightness. |
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Galileo Telescope replica ( ) The optics, leather and gold tooling of the telescope suggest how scientific instruments were crafted with a combination of engineering expertise and bookbinding arts. Galileo’s telescope included two lenses, an ocular lens near the eye, and an objective lens at the far end of the tube. |
The Works of Giorgio Vasari, vol. 2 Vasari
, Giorgio (1878-85) Astronomers and artists alike studied the science of perspective. The title page of the Sidereus nuncius refers to the telescope as a little “perspective tube” (perspicilli). |
On the New Star in the Foot of the Serpent Handler Kepler, Johann (1606) Kepler’s star map shows the constellations of Ophiuchus (the Serpent Handler), Sagittarius and Scorpius. The Milky Way runs diagonally down from the left, and the “ecliptic,” or annual path of the Sun, runs horizontally through Sagittarius and Scorpius. |
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The Works of Giorgio Vasari, vol. 3 Vasari
, Giorgio (1878-85) Astronomers and artists alike studied the science of perspective. The title page of the Sidereus nuncius refers to the telescope as a little “perspective tube” (perspicilli). |
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, 1566 Copernicus, Nicolaus (1566) Copernicus argued that the Sun rather than the Earth lies in the center of the universe. The Earth moves as a planet around the Sun, carrying its Moon along as a satellite. In 1543 little proof was available that the Earth moves; there were many reasons not to accept it. |
On Microscopy Hooke, Robert (1665) Hooke’s Micrographia is the most remarkable visual treatise of 17th century microscopy. In describing the appearance of cork, Hooke coined the term “cell.” Hooke’s large fold-out plate of the flea is unforgettable. |
The Works of Giorgio Vasari, vol. 4 Vasari
, Giorgio (1878-85) Astronomers and artists alike studied the science of perspective. The title page of the Sidereus nuncius refers to the telescope as a little “perspective tube” (perspicilli). |
Theater of Comets Lubieniecki, Stanislaw (1666-68) The search for comets, charged with astrological meaning, stimulated careful scrutiny and revision of maps of the stars. Lubieniecki collected an anthology of cometary reports, attempting to describe every known comet observed in Europe up to 1665. |
The Works of Giorgio Vasari, vol. 5 Vasari
, Giorgio (1878-85) Astronomers and artists alike studied the science of perspective. The title page of the Sidereus nuncius refers to the telescope as a little “perspective tube” (perspicilli). |
Works, Ptolemy Ptolemy, (1541) For this first edition of Ptolemy’s collected works, Johann Honter drew constellation figures after the manner of Albrecht Dürer. The figures appear in contemporary dress rather than in a classical style. |
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The Works of Giorgio Vasari, vol. 6 Vasari
, Giorgio (1878-85) Astronomers and artists alike studied the science of perspective. The title page of the Sidereus nuncius refers to the telescope as a little “perspective tube” (perspicilli). |
The Works of Giorgio Vasari, vol. 7 Vasari
, Giorgio (1878-85) Astronomers and artists alike studied the science of perspective. The title page of the Sidereus nuncius refers to the telescope as a little “perspective tube” (perspicilli). |
An Astronomical Catechism Whitwell, Catherine (1818) This dialogue between a mother and her daughter offers a delightful introduction to the night sky. It contains 23 engraved plates drawn by Whitwell herself, including four hand-colored folding plates. |
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The Works of Giorgio Vasari, vol. 8 Vasari
, Giorgio (1878-85) Astronomers and artists alike studied the science of perspective. The title page of the Sidereus nuncius refers to the telescope as a little “perspective tube” (perspicilli). |
Astronomical Poem Hyginus, (1485) Greek writers compiled ancient stories of the constellations, often in poetic form, with memorable instructions for locating bright stars and zodiac constellations. Constellations of the zodiac contain the wandering courses of the planets and the annual path of the Sun. |
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Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 1713 Newton, Isaac (1713) |
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A Planisphere containing the Celestial Constellations Lacaille, Nicolas (1756) |
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Kepler's Universe Mitchell, Ron |
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Tellurian, Trippensee Planetarium Company (1908-1920) |
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Three Jesuit Portraits: Loyola, Bellarmine, Clavius |
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Tycho Brahe prints: Portrait (6); Copenhagen (7); Hven (8); Gardens (9); Uraniborg (10); Architectural plan (11) |
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New Brandenburg Ephemerides of the Celestial Motions Origanus, David (1609) |
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The Hevelius Sextant |
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An astronomicall description of the late Comet from the 18. of Novemb. 1618 to the 16. of December following. With certaine Morall Prognostics Bainbridge, John (1619) |
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A Synopsis of Cometary Astronomy, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Halley, Edmond (1705) |
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The Divine Comedy Dante, (1757) Dante’s love for astronomy pervaded this epic poem. Not by accident did he bring each of the three volumes to a close with the word “stelle,” or star. |
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Ecstatic Journey through the Heavens Kircher, Athanasius (1660) Six chief world systems were debated in Galileo’s world: • Ptolemaic: All planets revolve around the central Earth. Geocentric. • Platonic: Like the Ptolemaic, except switches the positions of Venus and Mercury. Geocentric. • Cappellan or Egyptian: Venus and Mercury revolve around the Sun. |
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The Nuremberg Chronicle Schedel, Hartmann (1493) In the most lavishly illustrated book of the 1400’s, solid spheres ceaselessly turn, carrying the planets and filling the universe between the outermost heaven and the central Earth. |
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Almagest, ed. Regiomontanus Ptolemy, Claudius (1496) Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaios) lived in Alexandria, Egypt, in the second century. Ptolemy’s technical work on astronomy, originally written in Greek, was titled Almagest (“The Greatest”) by its Arabic translators. |
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Astronomical Journal Brahe, Tycho (1586) On the Island of Hven, Tycho Brahe built a Renaissance research center called Uraniborg, “City of the Stars.” The first book printed on Tycho’s printing press at Uraniborg displays his motto, “looking up, I look down.” That motto symbolized his aim of coordinating the study of astronomy,... |
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Illustration and Description of the Incomparably Great Comet (1680) The great comet of 1680 illumines the sky above Nuremberg. One person among the onlooking crowd observes through a hand-held telescope. This was the first comet to be discovered by a telescope. Gottfried Kirch, a German astronomer, first saw it on November 14, 1680. |
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Conversation on Galileo’s Starry Messenger Kepler, Johann (1611) “I thank you because you were the first one, and practically the only one, to have complete faith in my assertions.” – Galileo In this public letter, Kepler expressed support for Galileo’s telescopic discoveries. |
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The Divine Plato Plato, (1491) In his dialog entitled The Timaeus, Plato taught that the cosmos is constructed from regular geometrical figures known as the Pythagorean solids. Wherever one finds an emphasis upon mathematical demonstrations in science, one may credit Plato and the Pythagoreans. |
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Works of Hesiod Hesiod, (1559) In Works and Days, the poet Hesiod, a roughly contemporary of Homer, compiled guidelines for conducting life and forecasting the weather according to the stars. |
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On the Three Comets of 1618 Grassi, Oratio (1619) In 1618, three comets appeared, visible to the unaided eye. These were the first comets to be observed with the telescope. Grassi was the leading astronomer in Rome and a professor at the Rome College (Collegio Romano). |
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Letters on Sunspots Galileo, (1613) In a 1611 book published by the Academy of the Lynx, the Jesuit astronomer Christoph Scheiner argued that sunspots are little planets circling the Sun like Venus. Galileo answered Scheiner with this book. |
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Sundial replica (2015) A sundial consists of a gnomon, which casts the Sun’s shadow, and a dial on which the shadow indicates the time. This simple portable sundial features a gnomon that can be adjusted according to one’s latitude. Sundials have ranged in size from pocket-dials to monumental architecture. |
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On the Christian Expedition to China Ricci, Matteo (1616) This book recounts the establishment of the Jesuit mission in China in the late 1500s led by Matteo Ricci. When Ricci predicted a solar eclipse in 1592 with greater accuracy than the astronomers of the Chinese court, Emperor Wan-li invited Ricci to Beijing. |
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The System of Saturn Huygens, Christiaan (1659) In this work, Huygens resolved the enigma of Saturn’s changing telescopic appearance by proposing that a ring surrounds Saturn at an angle, varying in visibility from the Earth. |
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Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 1729 Newton, Isaac (1729) This is the first English translation of Newton’s masterwork in physics. The Copernican idea that the Earth moves as a planet required a thorough revision of physics. Galileo undertook this task in his Discourse on Two New Sciences, published 80 years after Copernicus. |
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The Atmosphere: Popular Meteorology Flammarion, Camille (1888) Meteorology is a quest of discovery, the challenge of boldly exploring where no one has gone before. That is the appeal and rhetorically durable theme which has made this woodcut so appealing. |
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Polyhedral Sundial replica This is a replica of an original polyhedral sundial created by Stefano Buonsignori in Florence in 1587, held in the Museo Galileo in Florence. |
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The Marriage of Philology and Mercury Capella, Martianus (1499) Capella described the seven liberal arts. The first three are grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric. Then come the mathematical sciences, geometry and arithmetic. Geometrical circles in motion make astronomy. Numbers in motion make music. |
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Appearances of the Sky Aratus, (1547) Aratus, a Greek scientist and poet of the 3rd century B.C.E., offered practical advice for predicting the weather by learning to recognize the seasonal appearances of constellations. |
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Workes, Chaucer Chaucer, (1598) Chaucer’s astronomical knowledge, like Dante’s, was anything but casual; in addition to his stories, this volume also contains his detailed technical manual for use of the astrolabe. |
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Theater of the World Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo (1588) Gallucci, a Venetian scholar, was interested in astronomical instruments, both physical and on paper. The “Theater of the World” features a parade of rotating wheels, or “volvelles,” descendants of the astrolabe. |
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Almagest, ed. Reinhold Ptolemy, Claudius (1549) Erasmus Reinhold, a professor at Wittenberg who was sympathetic to Copernicus, published the first Greek edition of Ptolemy’s Almagest. |
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Principles of Astronomy Naibod, Valentin (1580) This Copernican cosmic section, the first published in Italy, appears in a sympathetic account, known to Tycho and to Kepler, which may have influenced Galileo. Naibod was a professor of mathematics at Padua who likely studied with Erasmus Reinhold in Wittenberg. |
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On Comets Hevelius, Johann (1668) The frontispiece shows three views of the paths of comets: the Aristotelian theory that they consist of vapors beneath the Moon (left); Kepler’s theory that comets move in straight lines (right); and Hevelius’ view that they originate in the outer regions and descend in a parabolic trajectory... |
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Discourse on Floating Bodies Galileo, (1612) To provide entertainment at a dinner held by the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Galileo debated the Aristotelian physicist Lodovico delle Columbe on the topic of floating bodies. Galileo employed Archimedes’ mathematical analysis. |
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Meteorology, 1556 Aristotle, (1556) In a discussion of optical effects of the atmosphere, Aristotle here addresses the formation of a halo around the Moon. This is one of the most interesting uses of mathematics in all of Aristotle’s writings. |
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On the Comets of the years 1607 & 1618 Kepler, Johann (1619) In this minor work, Kepler offered an analysis of comets that agreed with Grassi’s. |
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A Treatise of the System of the World Newton, Isaac (1728) Newton’s mathematical physics established an understanding of the dynamics of the solar system. |
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The Celestial Worlds Discover'd, or, Conjectures concerning the Inhabitants, Plants and Productions of the Worlds in the Planets Huygens, Christiaan (1698) In this translation of Huygens’ Kosmotheoros, Huygens took up questions of the habitability of other planets and the existence of extraterrestrial life. These topics were also considered by Kepler, Wilkins and other popular writers. |
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Works in Greek, vol. 1 Aristotle, (1495-1498) In a work entitled “On the Universe,” Aristotle argued that a 5th element, called ether or the quintessence, composes the celestial spheres that naturally rotate in place above the region where the four lower elements mix together beneath the Moon. |
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The Rose of Orsini Scheiner, Christoph (1630) Scheiner, a Jesuit astronomer, eventually published the definitive work of the 17th century on sunspots, in which he accepted Galileo’s argument that sunspots “move like ships” on the surface of the Sun. |
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Wonderful Machines of the Far West Schreck, Johann (1830) Schreck helped Galileo show the telescope to the Medici family and others in Rome. Once he arrived in China, he wrote this work on engineering in Chinese. |
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On the Two Worlds, namely the Major and the Minor Fludd, Robert (1617-1621) For Robert Fludd, the universe is a monochord, its physical structure unintelligible without an understanding of music. In another section of the book, Fludd depicts the universe as a Temple of Music. |
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Star Viewer Schickard, William (1698) Schickard, a friend of Kepler’s, designed this planisphere or “astroscopium” to calculate the positions of the stars for any day and hour of the year. Schickard also devised a calculating machine to produce astronomical tables according to Kepler’s laws. |
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Cosmography, 1545 Apian, Peter (1545) In this introduction to astronomy and geography, the Moon lies embedded within a solid sphere carrying it around the Earth once a month. The solid sphere explains why the same side of the Moon always faces the Earth. |
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Harmony of the Universe Kepler, Johann (1619) In this work, Kepler integrated theoretical astronomy and music, showing that the motions of the planets employ the same numerical ratios as the most harmonious musical scales. |
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Astronomical Calendar, 1476 Regiomontanus, (1476) In this book, Regiomontanus predicted the positions of the Sun and Moon for 40 years. He designed a sundial to work independently of one’s latitude, and a volvelle, or circular dial, to locate the position and phase of the Moon according to date and time. |
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A Discovery of a New World... in the Moon Wilkins, John (1684) In this book, first published in 1638, Wilkins defended the Copernican and Galilean idea that the Earth is a planet by establishing analogies with the Moon. |
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The New Astronomy Kepler, Johann (1609) This is Kepler’s famous pretzel diagram, where he focused attention on the planet rather than the rotating solid sphere which carried the planet. In an Earth-centered system, the planet must follow some kind of similar pretzel path as it is carried along within a thick solid sphere. |
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On the Dream of Scipio Macrobius, (1521) This work by Macrobius (5th century) illustrates the wealth of ancient and early medieval literary sources relevant to cosmology. Macrobius here comments upon a classic story of Cicero which described a vision given to the Roman general Scipio. |
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Chronicle of Mathematics Baldi, Bernardino Bernardino Baldi was an Italian mathematician whose work gives insight into the milieu of Galileo. This is one of two autograph manuscripts by Baldi held by the Collections. |
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Astronomical Calendar, 1518 Stoeffler, Johann (1518) A “calendarium” contains predictions of the positions of the Sun and Moon for several decades into the future. Regiomontanus calculated their positions for 40 years beginning in 1476; Stoeffler for 62 years from 1518-1579 inclusive. |
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Four Books Ptolemy, Claudius (1610) The most popular ancient work on astrology was Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, as it was known in Greek, or Quadripartitum in Latin. Astrology provided the context in which astronomy was pursued. |
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Demonstration of the Halo Reinhold, Erasmus (c. 1550) This manuscript contains two transcriptions of a university lecture by Erasmus Reinhold. The diagrams are nearly identical to Aristotle’s discussion of halos in the Meteorology. Reinhold was a well-known Wittenberg astronomer, sympathetic to Copernicus. |
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The Climactic Year Hevelius, Johann (1685) In astrology, a “climactic year” marks a turning point, a moment of greatest risk. The preface explains that 1679 was Hevelius’ climactic year, for in that year his observatory burned. Fire destroyed manuscripts, books and instruments, including his sextant. He was 67 years old. |
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Representing the Heavens Coronelli, Vincenzo (1693) The tiny size of a volume by Coronelli belies its historical importance: in this Epitome, Coronelli explained how to use celestial and terrestrial globes, and his techniques for constructing them. |
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Discourse on the Comets Galileo , (1619) In this book, Galileo opened a “Controversy over the Comets” by attacking Grassi. Published under the name of his student, Mario Guiducci, it was actually written almost entirely by Galileo himself. |
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Observations in Bologna of the rotation of Mars around its axis Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1666) These 3 broadsides, issued approximately 2 weeks apart, contain the first detailed illustrations of Mars. |
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Observations of Comets from B.C. 611 to A.D. 1640 Williams, John (1871) A Chinese celestial atlas and chronological tables, reproduced in Williams’ own hand, appear in this record of 372 comet sightings from 611 B.C.E. to 1640 C.E. |
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Historical Narration of the Origin and Progress of the Mission to China Schall, Adam (1665) This book is Schall’s account of the Jesuit mission in China after Ricci. Working closely with Chinese collaborators, Schall oversaw the publication of more than 30 scientific works in Chinese which drew upon Galileo, Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler and John Napier. |
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An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe Wright, Thomas (1750) Wright proposed a model of the Milky Way as a flat wheel, and envisioned the nebulae as distant worlds upon worlds, far removed from the Milky Way itself.“That this in all Probability may be the real Case, is in some Degree made evident by the many cloudy Spots, just perceivable by us, as far... |
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Works in Greek, vol. 2 Aristotle, (1495-1498) In a work entitled “On the Universe,” Aristotle argued that a 5th element, called ether or the quintessence, composes the celestial spheres that naturally rotate in place above the region where the four lower elements mix together beneath the Moon. |
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Commentary on the Sphere of Sacrobosco Clavius, Christoph (1570) Clavius taught mathematical astronomy in the Rome College (Collegio Romano), the leading Jesuit university in Rome. Aristotle did not emphasize mathematics, but Clavius’ lifelong work established mathematics and astronomy as essential areas of study for Jesuit schools. |
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Second Folio Shakespeare, (1632) Planetary and stellar influences affect one’s physical temperament, so one must take steps not to catch the melancholic “influenza” of Saturn: “There’s some ill planet reigns: I must be patient till the heavens look With an aspect more favorable” (A Winter's Tale). |
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Catalog of Southern Stars Halley, Edmond (1679) Edmond Halley, later of cometary fame, sailed to the South Pacific island of St. Helena. Over a period of 2 years, Halley recorded the positions of 341 southern stars in this table of the right ascensions and distances of the principal southern stars. |
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Innovative Sundials Baldi, Bernardino (ca. 1592) This manuscript, a never-published treatise on sundials written in the author’s own hand, was lost in the 18th century and believed destroyed in a shipwreck. Baldi studied with one of Galileo’s teachers, Guidobaldo del Monte. |
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Treatise on the Genuine Use of the Globes Metius, Adriaan (1624) Although Galileo rushed to print his telescopic observations, he did not invent the telescope. Jacob Metius was one of several Dutchmen with a claim to the invention of the telescope. This book by Jacob’s brother mentions Jacob’s telescopic observations of the satellites of Jupiter. |
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An Abstract of the Learned Treatise... the Introduction upon Mars Kepler, Johann (1661) In the New Astronomy (Astronomia nova 1609), Kepler demonstrated with respect to Mars what we now call his first two laws of planetary motion. In the preface to that work, translated here, Kepler answered objections to Copernicus based upon Scripture. |
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Harmonics Ptolemy, Claudius (1682) Ptolemy’s influential music theory was related to his astronomy. Through sight, we apprehend beauty through astronomy. Through hearing, we apprehend beauty through harmony. |
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Galileo shows the satellites of Jupiter to the Venetian Senators Figuier, Louis (1870) Galileo offered first-hand telescopic demonstrations to influential colleagues and supporters across Venice and Tuscany. In early 1611, Galileo visited Rome, invited by Clavius and the Jesuits. |
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Meteorology, 1506 D’Ailly, Pierre (1506) This commentary on Aristotle’s meteorology contains numerous contemporary annotations and drawings (not yet studied). D’Ailly was a theologian, mathematician, astronomer, and cosmographer who helped the medieval church heal the schism of three rival popes. |
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Works in Greek, vol 3 pt. A Aristotle, (1495-1498) In a work entitled “On the Universe,” Aristotle argued that a 5th element, called ether or the quintessence, composes the celestial spheres that naturally rotate in place above the region where the four lower elements mix together beneath the Moon. |
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Studies on Glaciers Agassiz, Louis (1840) In 1840, Agassiz introduced a radical element of contingency into geohistory, contrary to then widespread assumptions of uninterrupted gradual cooling. |
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Monuments of China Kircher, Athanasius (1667) Back in Rome, Kircher collected all the information he could gather from Jesuits in China, publishing this massive encyclopedia on China, Tibet, India, Korea and Japan. It contains two notable early maps, numerous portraits, and an introduction to Sanskrit and Chinese characters. |
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Catalog of Nebulae and Star Clusters Messier, Charles (1774) This is the first edition of Messier's catalog of cloudy spots or "nebulae," numbered from M1 to M45. In 1781, Messier published a final catalog of 103 nebulae, which are now called "Messier objects." The Great Orion Nebula is M42. |
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The Astronomical Balance Grassi, Oratio (1619) In this book, Grassi responded to the criticism of Guiducci/Galileo. Comets seemed to provide a test of the Copernican and Tychonic systems: if the Earth were moving, then with three comets, one might have hoped to see at least one of them retrograding. |
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Optics of Lenses Kepler, Johann (1611) Kepler wrote an earlier work on optics (1604) as a supplement to the medieval treatise of Witelo. In this sequel, he clarified the optics of refractive lenses and greatly advanced understanding of how the telescope actually works. The annotations in this copy are unstudied. |
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Celestial Atlas,1776 Flamsteed, John (1776) A globe maker for the French royal family, J. Fortin, prepared this edition of Flamsteed’s celestial atlas in a much reduced format. Flamsteed was the first Astronomer Royal, who oversaw the building of the Greenwich Observatory. Newton relied upon Flamsteed’s star positions in his Principia. |
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A Probing of the Astronomical Balance Stelluti, Giovanni Battista (1622) In the Scandaglio, Galileo’s friends tried to refute Grassi’s Astronomical Balance. This obscure and mysterious work appeared under the name of the brother of the better-known Francesco Stelluti, one of the founders of the Academy of the Lynx and friend of Galileo and Prince Cesi. |
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Robert Bellarmine, portrait Robert, Bellarmine Robert Bellarmine was a prominent Jesuit theologian at the time of Galileo. Before several remarkable novas appeared, and 40 years before Galileo’s evidence of sunspots, Bellarmine had already come to believe on the basis of biblical authority that the heavens are not eternal but corruptible. |
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On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, 1543 Copernicus, Nicolaus (1543) Copernicus argued that the Sun rather than the Earth lies in the center of the universe. The Earth moves as a planet around the Sun. In 1543 little proof was available that the Earth moves; there were many reasons not to accept it. |
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China, Illustrated with Many Monuments Kircher, Athanasius (1670) In one of Kircher’s images is of Matteo Ricci is pictured on the left, along with Xu Guangki (??? 1562-1633) on the right. |
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Revolutions of the Sea Adhémar, Joseph Alphonse (1842) Accepting Agassiz’ theory of the Ice Age, Adhémar proposed that an astronomical cycle – the precession of the equinoxes – affects the melting of polar ice caps and thereby may lead to a catastrophic rise in sea level around the globe. |
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Nocturnal Dial replica (2006) Nocturnal dials tell time by the stars. This instrument replicates an original nocturnal dial created by Girolano della Volpaia in Florence in 1569, held in the Museo Galileo in Florence. |
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Works in Greek, vol 3 pt. B Aristotle, (1495-1498) In a work entitled “On the Universe,” Aristotle argued that a 5th element, called ether or the quintessence, composes the celestial spheres that naturally rotate in place above the region where the four lower elements mix together beneath the Moon. |
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Memoir and Correspondence Herschel, Caroline (1876) The 19th century saw an unprecedented expansion of known objects in the universe. William and Caroline Herschel conducted a comprehensive search of northern skies with telescopes powerful enough to resolve many nebulae into star clusters. |
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Atlas of the Stars Bode, Johann (1782) Bode created a new constellation, Herschels Teleskop, near Auriga, to honor William Herschel’s discovery of Uranus in 1781. This Bode-Fortin-Flamsteed atlas is a 1782 German edition of Fortin’s 1776 reprinting of Flamsteed’s 1729 atlas. |
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The Rudolphine Tables Kepler, Johann (1627) From his new astronomy, using Tycho’s observations, Kepler calculated these tables of the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets. Kepler adopted John Napier’s recently invented computational method of logarithms, published in 1614. |
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Instruments for the Restoration of Astronomy Brahe, Tycho (1602) For two decades, Tycho and his assistants at Uraniborg produced thousands of astronomical observations of unprecedented quality. Tycho’s large-scale observing instruments, together with sophisticated new error correction techniques, increased observational precision by a factor of twenty. |
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On the Divine Faculty of Stars Offusius, Johann Franciscus (1570) This work on astrology was written by the leader of a Paris circle of astronomers. That group extensively annotated the OU copy of Copernicus within a decade after it was printed. |
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Complex Armillary Sphere replica An armillary sphere is a spherical astrolabe, showing the great circles in their unflattened orientation: The great circle of the ecliptic (the path of the Sun) is marked off in degrees of celestial longitude and in the 12 signs of the Zodiac. |
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The Assayer, early state Galileo , (1623) The crest of the Barberini family, showing three busy bees, appears at the top of the frontispiece. Galileo’s supporter, Cardinal Maffeo Barberini, had become Pope Urban VIII. The election of Barberini seemed to assure Galileo of support at the highest level in the Church. |
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Works in Greek, vol. 4 Aristotle, (1495-1498) In a work entitled “On the Universe,” Aristotle argued that a 5th element, called ether or the quintessence, composes the celestial spheres that naturally rotate in place above the region where the four lower elements mix together beneath the Moon. |
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The Milky Way… drawn at the Earl of Rosse's Observatory at Birr Castle Boeddicker, Otto (1892) Artful lithographs of the Milkyway from a leading English observatory. |
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The Pearl of Knowledge Reisch, Gregor (1599) Why physicians studied astronomy: Zodiac Man diagrams like this one reveal the hidden correspondences between the organs of the body (the microcosm) and the influences of the stars and planets that affect them (the microcosm). |
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On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon Samos, Aristarchus of (1572) Aristarchus, the Copernicus of antiquity, proposed in the 3rd century B.C.E. that the Sun lies at the center of the universe and that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. |
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Poems, vol. 1 Lord Tennyson, Alfred (1843) “Many a night I saw the Pleiades rising thro’ the mellow shade, glitter like a swarm of fire-flies Tangled in a silver braid.” “Locksley Hall,” 5th couplet. |
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Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World Galileo, (1632) Featuring Galileo's Handwriting. This is Galileo’s witty and entertaining dialogue in defense of Copernicus. In the frontispiece, Aristotle and Ptolemy hold an Earth-centered armillary sphere (left). Copernicus holds a Sun-centered model of the universe (right). |
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Letters Kepler, Johann (1672 & 1673) Kepler’s major correspondence is gathered here in two rare volumes bound together. Bernegger, one of Kepler’s closest friends, also published Latin translations of Galileo’s Compass, Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina, and Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World. |
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Astrolabe replica (2015) The astrolabe, one of the fundamental instruments for observational astronomy, consists of three major parts: the mater, the underlying disk; the climate, a removable disk adjusted for latitude; and the rete, a ring marked with star positions. |
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Sacred Mystery of the Structure of the Cosmos Kepler, Johann (1596) By far the best known 16th-century defender of Copernicus was Johann Kepler. In this work he demonstrated that vast empty regions lying between the planetary spheres, which were required by Copernicus, were not wasted space. |
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Memoirs... made in a late Journey through the Empire of China Comte, Louis le (1698) Le Comte, a French Jesuit sent in 1687 by Louis XIV to work in the Kangxi court, depicted the Beijing observatory at the end of Schall’s life. |
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The Assayer, later state Galileo , (1623) Although Galileo eloquently championed mathematical methods in science, the main target of his wit and sarcasm in The Assayer was Grassi, a fellow astronomer, whose mathematical methods proved that comets move above the Moon. |
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Astronomical Letters Brahe, Tycho (1596) In this work, Tycho explained two problems posed for Copernicus by the absence of stellar parallax: 1. Due to the annual movement of the Earth around the Sun, one would expect to see stars appear to shift in position. This parallax evaded detection, even at Uraniborg. 2. |
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The Reformed Heaven Bruno, Giordano (1750) This work contains a survey of the constellations and a cosmological dialogue, Lo Spaccio de la Bestia Trionfante (The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast, 1584). Bruno, a Dominican astrologer and philosopher, affirmed that the universe is infinite, having no center. |
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Works in Greek, vol. 5 Aristotle, (1495-1498) In a work entitled “On the Universe,” Aristotle argued that a 5th element, called ether or the quintessence, composes the celestial spheres that naturally rotate in place above the region where the four lower elements mix together beneath the Moon. |
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The Realm of the Nebulae Hubble, Edwin (1936) Hubble’s investigations with the 100-inch Hooker Telescope at Mount Wilson observatory, overlooking Los Angeles, California, led to a dramatic expansion of the universe. For Hubble, the universe is not limited to the Milky Way galaxy. |
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Complete Works Brahe, Tycho (1648) In De mundi aetherei (1588), Tycho reported that the comet of 1577 displayed no detectable parallax and thus moved, contrary to Aristotle, in the regions of the heavens beyond the Moon, passing through multiple celestial spheres. The ancient solid spheres melted. |
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Admonition to Astronomers Kepler, Johann (1630) The Rudolpine Tables were not a best seller. Three years later, Kepler and his son-in-law Jacob Bartsch published this little extract to stir up interest in the Rudolphine Tables and boost sales. It contains predictions of the transits of Mercury and Venus across the disk of the Sun in 1631. |
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Poems, vol. 2 Lord Tennyson, Alfred (1843) “Many a night I saw the Pleiades rising thro’ the mellow shade, glitter like a swarm of fire-flies Tangled in a silver braid.” “Locksley Hall,” 5th couplet. |
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On the Sphere, 1511 Proclus, (1511) This work was attributed to Proclus (5th century), one of the most important Neoplatonic philosophers of late antiquity. It became one of the most popular introductions to astronomy during the Italian Renaissance, appearing in more than 70 16th-century editions. |
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On the Use and Fabrication of the Astrolabe Danti, Egnazio (1578) Danti was a cosmographer in the court of Cosimo I de Medici. Visitors to Florence today may view his stunning maps of the world in the Hall of Maps of the Palazzo Vecchio, as well as armillary spheres and a quadrant he mounted on the facade of the church of Santa Maria Novella. |
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Beijing: History and Description Favier, Pierre-Marie-Alphonse (1897) Photographs of the Beijing observatory show what remained of the astronomical instruments in 1897. |
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On the Transformations of the Atmosphere Porta, Giambattista della (1610) Della Porta dedicated several books to Cesi. Cesi underwrote publication of this book on meteorology, which includes wide-ranging discussions of water, earthquakes and meteorites. The title page displays Cesi’s coat of arms. |
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Treatise on the Sphere Grassi, Oratio (1623) In the same year that Galileo published The Assayer, Grassi delivered these lectures to Jesuit students in the Rome College (Collegio Romano). |
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Treatise on the Equilibrium of Fluids Pascal, Blaise (1663) To clarify the ability of the barometer to measure the pressure of the atmosphere, Pascal left a barometer at a low elevation in the town of Clermont, in Auvergne, while taking another with him as he climbed the Puy-de-Dôme. |
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Introduction to the Astrolabe Lansbergen, Philip van (1635) Astronomers use astrolabes for dozens of astronomical operations including telling time by the Sun or stars and determining the positions of planets. |
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Introduction to Astronomy, 1706 Baba, Nobutake (1706) This work, written by a Kyoto physician, represents Asian astronomy in the generation following Adam Schall. Baba countered superstitious interpretations of solar eclipses, and used magnetic theory rather than yin and yang to explain the tides. Baba adopted the Tychonic model of cosmology. |
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The World of Jupiter Mayr, Simon (1614) With a telescope, Mayr observed the four satellites of Jupiter, accurately determining their periods of revolution. He named them Europa, Io, Ganymede and Callisto, names which are still used today. In this work Mayr also considered Tycho’s objection to Copernicus based upon star sizes. |
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Works, Byron Byron, Lord (1815-1824) “The night hath been to me a more familiar face than that of man, and in her starry shade of dim and solitary loveliness, I learned the language of another world.” (Manfred, Act 3, Scene 4) |
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On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, 1617 Copernicus, Nicolaus (1617) In De revolutionibus, Copernicus placed the Sun in the center of the universe and set the Earth in annual motion around the Sun. This is the 3d edition, printed in 1617, the year after the Inquisition stimulated fresh interest in the work by placing it on the Index of Prohibited Books. |
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Commentary on the Book of Job Zuniga, Diego de (1591) Scientific results were often reported in theological works, as in this first defense of Copernicanism in Spain. In his commentary on Job 9:6 (misnumbered 9:5), Zuniga summarized evidence for Copernicanism from the precession of the equinoxes. |
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The Shield-Bearer for Tycho Brahe Kepler, Johann (1625) In his second and last contribution to the “Controversy over the Comets,” Kepler stepped in as a “shield-bearer” to defend Tycho from Galileo’s attacks. |
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Commentary on Al-Qabisi Al-Qabisi, (1512) This medieval introduction to astrology was frequently translated from Arabic into Latin. Al-Qabisi lived in the 10th century in Syria. |
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The Generous Muse of the Heavens Cunitz, Maria (1650) Prior to Newton, fewer than half a dozen astronomers accepted Kepler’s three laws. Galileo was typical in ignoring everything Kepler did. Yet this beautiful book is an exception: it clearly demonstrated that Kepler’s laws were more accurate than anything that had come before. |
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The Anatomy of Melancholy Burton, Robert (1628) The “influenza” of Saturn brings melancholy: On one occasion, Galileo was called as an expert medical witness in a trial to testify about the physical effects of melancholy. |
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A Prognostication Everlasting of Right Good Effect Digges, Leonard (1605) This sun-centered cosmic section representes the first published defense of Copernicus in England, printed in a work of meteorology. |
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Sphere of the Universe Biancani, Giuseppe (1620) After Clavius, Jesuits tended to adopt Tycho’s system. Biancani’s Sphaera replaced Clavius as the standard introduction to astronomy in many Jesuit colleges. Biancani favored Tycho’s system, which preserved the mathematical elegance of Copernicus and accommodated the absence of stellar parallax... |
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On the Sphere of the Universe bar Hiyya, Abraham (1546) Abraham bar Hiyya, also known as Savasorda, was a 12th century Jewish mathematician and astronomer in Barcelona. In this beautiful introduction to astronomy, bar Hiyya’s text appears in Hebrew alongside a Latin translation. |
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A Comparison of the Weights for The Astronomical Balance and the Small Scale Grassi, Oratio (1627) The Jesuit astronomers who had celebrated Galileo’s telescopic discoveries during his visit to Rome in 1611 now felt estranged by the biting satire of the The Assayer. The controversy concluded with this final reply. Both comets and cosmic systems remained enigmas. |
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On the Quadrant Lansbergen, Philip van (1635) Astronomers use quadrants and sextants to measure angular distances in the night sky, such as the angular divergence between a planet and the nearest bright star. One may also measure the height of the North Star above the horizon, which is equal to one’s latitude on the Earth. |
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Poetical Works Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1876-1877) “Heaven’s utmost deep Gives up her stars, and like a flock of sheep They pass before his eye, are number’d, and roll on.” “Prometheus Unbound,” Act IV (lines 418-420) |
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Celebrated Questions on the Book of Genesis Marsenne, Marin (1623) Commentaries on Genesis often served as scientific treatises or encyclopedias. Mersenne, a French theologian, astronomer, music theorist and scientific correspondent, addressed a wide range of issues in cosmology in this commentary. |
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On the Sphere Sacro Bosco, Joannes de (1490) In University study from the 13th through 16th centuries, the most common introduction to the geocentric cosmos was the medieval work, On the Sphere, by Sacrobosco. |
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The Star-Splitter Frost, Robert (1923) In a comical ballad called “The Star-Splitter,” Robert Frost described a man outdoors splitting firewood after the first frost of autumn: “You know Orion always comes up sideways. |
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Sextant replica An astronomer might use a sextant or quadrant to measure the distance between a planet and a notable bright star, or the altitude of a star above the horizon. |
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Paradise Lost Milton, John (1674) Milton’s poem, an epic story of the world, recounts the creation and fall, the life of Christ, and the final consummation. Yet in the midst of these history-changing events, Milton found room to mention Galileo’s telescopic discoveries. |
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Astronomical Foundation Ursus, Nicolaus Reimarus (1588) The cosmological system of Ursus is similar to that of Tycho Brahe. Both place the Earth in the center, and set the other planets revolving around the Sun. For Ursus, in contrast to Tycho, the Earth rotates around its axis once a day, allowing the sphere of stars to stand still. |
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Description and Use of Both the Globes, the Armillary Sphere, and Orrery Martin, Benjamin (ca. 1760) This book explains how to use the terrestrial and celestial globes, an armillary sphere (which shows the movements of the sky), and an orrery (which models the motions of the planets). Martin operated an instrument shop in London. |
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Cosmography, 1585 Barozzi, Francesco (1585) The illustrations in this cosmography show its indebtedness to the Sacrobosco tradition. Barozzi, a humanist scholar who lectured at the University of Padua, provided an updated introduction to observational astronomy, intended as a replacement for Sacrobosco and Peurbach. |
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The New Almagest, part 1 Riccioli, Giambattista (1651) The frontispiece of Riccioli’s treatise depicts not two, but three major systems of the world. The Ptolemaic system rests discarded (lower right corner) because of the phases of Venus and Mercury (upper left corner). All-seeing Argus looks on, holding a telescope. |
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On the Magnet Gilbert, William (1600) Gilbert, a physician to Queen Elisabeth I, wrote the first experimental treatise devoted to magnetism. Gilbert discerned analogies between the Earth and magnets, and reasoned that the Earth itself is a magnet. |
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The New Almagest, part 2 Riccioli, Giambattista (1651) The frontispiece of Riccioli’s treatise depicts not two, but three major systems of the world. The Ptolemaic system rests discarded (lower right corner) because of the phases of Venus and Mercury (upper left corner). All-seeing Argus looks on, holding a telescope. |
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Opticks Newton, Isaac (1704) Newton’s contemporaries may have first heard of him through articles in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. There he reported his experiments with prisms on the nature of light and color in the atmosphere. |
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Delamarche Orrery An orrery, also called a planetarium, shows the choreography of planets as they dance with coordinated precision around the Sun. From antiquity, geocentric (Earth-centered) models of the moving planets were constructed, such as the Antikythera device and large mechanical clocks. |
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The Three Spheres Beati, Gabriele (1662) Which of Kircher’s six world systems are compatible with Beati’s cosmic section? Despite Galileo’s rhetorical attempt to cast cosmological debate as a choice between two chief world systems, Beati’s cosmic section is neither Ptolemaic nor Copernican. |
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Principles of Philosophy Déscartes, René (1644) In Descartes’ cosmology, each star lies at the center of a “vortex,” or gigantic pool of circulating fluid. Stars and vortices are mortal, passing into and out of existence. |
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Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles Ferguson, James (1809) Ferguson’s books, orreries, clocks and mechanical devices were studied with interest by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine and William Herschel, among others. |
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The Use of Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, and Spheres, according to the different Systems of the World Bion, Nicolas (1710) Even today, while we adopt the Copernican system, we still teach observational astronomy and navigation by the stars using the traditional geocentric instruments: nocturnal dials, celestial globes, and armillary spheres. |
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Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds Fontenelle, (1728) In this dramatic and entertaining dialogue, Fontenelle explained Cartesian philosophy and cosmology and argued for the existence of life on other worlds. He justified a popular writing style by encouraging women and men to engage in pleasant evening conversation together on scientific topics. |
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The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended Newton, Isaac (1728) Newton believed that Solomon’s Temple encoded his inverse square law for universal gravitation. To Newton, his grandest achievement was merely a rediscovery of the treasures of ancient wisdom. |
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Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 1687 Newton, Isaac (1687) The Copernican idea that the Earth moves as a planet required a thorough revision of physics. Galileo undertook this task in his Discourse on Two New Sciences, published 80 years after Copernicus. |
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Newtonianism for Women Algarotti, Francesco (1737) Algarotti’s popular introduction to Newtonian science went through many editions and aided in the dissemination of Newtonian ideas on the European continent. It was dedicated to Fontenelle. Like Fontenelle’s Plurality of Worlds, it was written as an entertaining dialogue. |
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An Account of a New Discovered Motion of the Fix’d Stars Bradley, James (1729) Direct observational proof of the motion of the Earth remained difficult to find, even as late as the generation of Isaac Newton. |
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On the Proper Motion of Fixed Stars Bessel, Wilhelm Scientific theories may be accepted on the basis of a weighing of many complex factors rather than a single determinative observation or crucial experiment. From antiquity, Copernicanism had been rejected due to a failure to observe stellar parallax. |
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Physical Demonstration of the Rotational Movement of the Earth Foucault, Léon (1851) The Foucault pendulum swings in a constant plane or direction, and thus reveals the rotation of the Earth turning underneath. |
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Physical Demonstration of the Rotational Movement of the Earth Foucault, Léon (1851) The Foucault pendulum swings in a constant plane or direction, and thus reveals the rotation of the Earth turning underneath. |
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The Centenary of General Relativity, misc. items Einstein, Albert (1915-2015) The 2015-2016 year is the centenary of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. Einstein attributed the formulation of the principle of the relativity of motion to Galileo. |